Before your first appointment you may have some unaswered questions. Click on the files below to get additional information about our policies and procedures, and other relevant forms. Also, check out our Common Questions page.
- Please come 10-15 minutes early for your first appointment. This will give you time to complete our intake forms.
- For your first appointment, please bring a photo ID.

and your insurance card.
- If you have any questions, feel free to call or email.
My clinical hour (50 minutes) fee is $165.00 for individuals and $200.00 for couples. However, I do maintain a few reduced fee patient openings and work with the pro bono services at Connections. Choosing the right therapist is important, so I offer a free initial session to answer any questions and to make sure that my services are the best for you. I do provide you a statement summarizing your charges for you to submit to your insurance if you so desire. Please check with your insurance carrier before starting our services to determine your reimbursement rate
If you decide to meet in person, during our first meeting we will begin to explore your goals and desired outcomes for psychotherapy in more depth. Most importantly, the first session provides an opportunity for you to determine if you think we will work well together. Counseling and analytical psychotherapy require a commitment of time, money and energy and so you should choose a psychologist carefully. I strongly believe you should be comfortable, encouraged and optimistic with the psychologist you choose.
One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.
- C.G. Jung -